I have been using https with Seam for a while not and in our  environment we 
have http and https setup at the load balancer level. 

An hrrp request comes to the load balancer. The load balancer internally 
forwards requests to tomcats that only have http setup. We do this to avoid 
setting up https and related certificates for every tomcat in our pools. Each 
tomcat in the pool is setup on a different port only accessible internally.

After looking at the Seam documentation and org.jboss.seam.navigation.pages 
file. It seems that if a page view-id is marked with scheme=https, the 
framework appends port info. If no httpsport is defined, it retrieves the 
server instance port and appends that.(see code at end of this post)

In our case, this could would return internal tomcat port, not the externally 
accessible port (no port or port 80). this will cause a redirect to the 
incorrect  port. eg.
external url: http://mysite.com and https://mysite.com
two tomcats in pool at http://tomcats.com:123 and http://tomcats.com:124

in pages.xml or somewhere else, would it be possible to indicate scheme https 
for view-ids but not append ":PORT"?
eg redirection http://mysite.com to https:://mysite.com with no appended port 

The code i looked at is below.

Thanks in advance
Nik Khilnani

  |    public String encodeScheme(String viewId, FacesContext context, String 
  |    {
  |       String scheme = getScheme(viewId);
  |       if (scheme != null)
  |       {
  |          String requestUrl = getRequestUrl(context);
  |          if (requestUrl!=null)
  |          {
  |             try
  |             {
  |                URL serverUrl = new URL(requestUrl);
  |                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  |                sb.append(scheme);
  |                sb.append("://");
  |                sb.append(serverUrl.getHost());
  |                if ("http".equals(scheme) && httpPort != null)
  |                {
  |                   sb.append(":");
  |                   sb.append(httpPort);
  |                }
  |                else if ("https".equals(scheme) && httpsPort != null)
  |                {
  |                   sb.append(":");
  |                   sb.append(httpsPort);
  |                }
  |                else if (serverUrl.getPort() != -1)
  |                {
  |                   sb.append(":");
  |                   sb.append(serverUrl.getPort());
  |                }
  |                if (!url.startsWith("/")) sb.append("/");
  |                sb.append(url);
  |                url = sb.toString();
  |             }
  |             catch (MalformedURLException ex) 
  |             {
  |                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
  |             }
  |          }
  |       }
  |       return url;   
  |    }

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