> do you have just the hibernate tools installed or also the rest of jobsside 
> installed ?

I have only hibernate tools installed.

> Where you editing some xml while it were happening ? 

It could be possible that I had a few editor windows (tabs) open with XML 
files. but the "second" before the hang up of eclipse I wasn't on this editor 
tab. so the answer would be, I had open XML editor tabs but i was not editing 

> ... unless the jdbc driver were having a hard time to connect to the db 
> ..could this be the case ?

i don't think so. I'm currently using Apache Derby 10.1 "Nature" as a project 
in eclipse (starting & stopping the server from inside eclipse) - for testing 
purposes - and using "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver" driver. since the DB 
is on the same box the connectivity shouldn't be a problem.

thanks for your feedback.

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