Hi All,
I am trying to edit User details in a very unorthodox manner, I dont know if 
this is cause for Conversation problem.

My Code:-

  | public class CallCenterAgentEditAction implements CallCenterAgentEdit {
  |     @Logger
  |     private Log log;
  |     @PersistenceContext
  |     private EntityManager entityManager;
  |     @Out(required = false)
  |     Person person;
  |     @Out(required = false)
  |     Account account;
  |     @Out(required = false)
  |     PersonContactDetail personContactDetail;
  |     @Out(required = false)
  |     Roles roles;
  |     @In
  |     FacesMessages facesMessages;
  |     public String prevSelectedCallCenterAgentDetails() {
  |             log.info("Inside editSelectedCallCenterAgentDetails method ");
  |             log.info("Exiting editSelectedCallCenterAgentDetails method");
  |             return "callCenterAgentEditPrev.xhtml";
  |     }
  |     @Begin
  |     public void getSelectedCallCenterAgentDetails(Account acc) {
  |             log.info("Inside getSelectedCallCenterAgentDetails method");
  |             int personId = acc.getPerson().getIpersonId();
  |             person = (Person) entityManager.createQuery(
  |                             "from Person p " + "where " + "p.ipersonId = 
:personId ")
  |                             .setParameter("personId", 
  |             personContactDetail = (PersonContactDetail) 
  |                             "from PersonContactDetail p " + "where "
  |                                             + "p.person.ipersonId = 
:personId ").setParameter(
  |                             "personId", personId).getSingleResult();
  |             int roleId = (Integer) entityManager.createQuery(
  |                             "select pr.roles.iroleId from PersonRoles pr " 
+ "where "
  |                                             + "pr.person.ipersonId = 
:personId ").setParameter(
  |                             "personId", personId).getSingleResult();
  |             roles = new Roles();
  |             roles.setIroleId(roleId);
  |             account = acc;
  |             log.info("Exiting getSelectedCallCenterAgentDetails method");
  |     }
  |     @End
  |     public void updateCallCenterAgentDetails() {
  |             log.info("Inside updateCallCenterAgentDetails method");
  |             CallCenterAgent callCenterAgent = new CallCenterAgent();
  |             PersonRoles personRoles = new PersonRoles();
  |             Date date = new Date();
  |             log.info("After Creating object");
  |             person.setDtUpdated(date);
  |             account.setDtUpdated(date);
  |             personContactDetail.setDtUpdated(date);
  |             callCenterAgent.setIcallCenterAgentId(person.getIpersonId());
  |             callCenterAgent.setDtUpdated(date);
  |             personRoles.getPerson().setIpersonId(person.getIpersonId());
  |             personRoles.getPerson().setIpersonId(person.getIpersonId());
  |             personRoles.getRoles().setIroleId(roles.getIroleId());
  |             log.info("Updating the database");
  |             entityManager.merge(person);
  |             entityManager.merge(account);
  |             entityManager.merge(personContactDetail);
  |             entityManager.merge(personRoles);
  |             entityManager.merge(callCenterAgent);
  |             facesMessages.add("Successfully updated the Agent");
  |             log.info("Exiting updateCallCenterAgentDetails method");
  |     }
  |     @Remove
  |     public void destroy() {
  |     }
  |     public String editAgentMoveBack() {
  |             return "/callCenterAgentAdd.xhtml";
  |     }
  |     @End
  |     public void cancel() {
  |     }
  | }

        <page view-id="/callCenterAgentManage.xhtml" login-required="true">
  |             <navigation 
  |                     <redirect view-id="/callCenterAgentEdit.xhtml" />
  |             </navigation>
  |             <navigation 
  |                     <redirect view-id="/callCenterAgentManage.xhtml" />
  |             </navigation>
  |             <navigation from-action="#{callCenterAgentManage.cancel}">
  |                     <redirect view-id="/callCenterAgentManage.xhtml" />
  |             </navigation>
  |     </page>

edit xhtml

  |                             <s:decorate id="fNameDecoration" 
  |                                     <ui:define name="label">First 
  |                                     <h:inputText id="fName" required="true"
  |                                             value="#{person.strFirstName}">
  |                                             <a:support event="onblur" 
reRender="fNameDecoration" />
  |                                     </h:inputText>
  |                             </s:decorate>

when i try to change the details the conversation ends and after some time when 
I see the server logs it says multiple threads running and the screen hangs.

Can anyone help me get througn this?
Any help would be appreciated.


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