I've come up against a problem with using facelets templates and seam injection.

I have the following two classes:

  | @Name("query")
  | @Scope(value = ScopeType.PAGE)
  | public class Query
  | {
  |    ...
  | }

  | @Name("search")
  | @Scope(ScopeType.EVENT)
  | public class Search
  | {
  |    @In Query query;
  |    ...
  | }

I have a search widget (query.xhtml) that binds to the Query class:

  | <ui:composition>
  |    <h:form>
  |       <h:inputText value="#{query.expression}" />
  |       <h:commandButton value="Search" />
  |    </h:form>
  | </ui:composition>

and a results page that runs the query and displays the results:

  |    <ui:include src="query.xhtml" />
  |    <div>
  |       <h:outputText value="Results are #{search.results}" />
  |    </div>

Everything works fine until I use a ui:define tag to break up my page and use 

  | <ui:composition template="searchTemplate.xhtml">
  |    <ui:define name="query">
  |       <ui:include src="query.xhtml" />
  |    </ui:define>
  |    <ui:define name="results">
  |       <h:outputText value="Results are #{search.results}"/>
  |    </ui:define>
  | </ui:composition>

When an element that binds to query and an element that binds to search are in 
separate <ui:define>'s I get a RequiredException:

RequiredException: @In attribute requires non-null value: search.query

Is this expected behaviour or am I not understanding the lifecycle of the pages 

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