I'm using JBoss AS 4.2.2 GA and was trying to understand why every invocation 
on my slsb resulted in a new instance and why none of these instances were 
destroyed (i.e. why the @PreDestroy method was not invoked) until I stopped the 
entire application server. I finally understood that the reason was that the 
default pool implementation used for slsb:s is org.jboss.ejb3.ThreadlocalPool 
(specified in deploy/ejb3-interceptors-aop.xml). If I understand the source 
code correctly, this pool type works like this:

1. When a thread requires a slsb instance the pool creates a new one unless 
there is already a dedicated (using the ThreadLocal mechanism) slsb instance 
for this particular thread, in which case this instance is used (and removed 
from the ThreadLocal). 
2. When the thread returns the slsb instance to the pool the instance will be 
cached for this particular thread, unless there is already a dedicated instance 
for this thread, in which case the returned instance is destroyed.

This would the mean that the only scenario that will cause slsb instances to be 
destroyed before the server is shut down is if the same thread manages to hold 
two slsb instances of the same type at the same time (is this possible?). 
Furthermore, the only time an slsb instance is reused is when the same thread 
access the same slsb multiple times. 

So if a new thread is used every time a client invokes the bean then the number 
of bean instances will grow indefinitely. This is of course dependent on how 
JBoss pools threads for invocations different kinds, but it seems that the 
default behaviour (at least when using single-action EJB timers) is that new 
threads are created for every invocation (timeout). Isn't this a memory leak?

Also, the other available pool types I can find (org.jboss.ejb3.InfinitePool 
and org.jboss.ejb3.StrictMaxPool) seems to lack the kind of behaviour I would 
like (and I think it is kind of typical for pools). What I would like is:

* The pool has a configurable "maxSize", which is the maximum number of 
available (unused) slsb instances that are retained.
* Slsb instances in the pool are reused (if there are any available), otherwise 
a new instance is created.
* When an slsb instance is returned it is stored so it can be reused unless 
there is already more than "maxSize" instances unused instances in the pool. In 
this case the instance is destroyed.

I suppose I could implement this kind of pool myself but isn't it something 
that should be included in JBoss EJB3?

If I haven't understood things correctly I apologize for the long post and 
stand ready to be rectified.


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