We are running under JBoss 4.0.5 using JBossMQ as a messaging engine. 0ur 
platform is based on very extensive messaging - there are about 400 producers 
multiplexing jms messages to about 400 consumers which listen on bind queues 
(queue per consumer). There are no selectors used due to performance tip 
(http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBMPerf point 5.) - routing is done 
on the application level. The messages also must be persisted – data loss is 
Because our traffic load increases constantly we are slowly  just about to lean 
against the performance wall.  So we are seriously thinking about switching to 
JBossMessaging(1.4) to benefit from performance enhancements but also, which is 
more important we want to avoid persisting messages – because as every child 
knows - persistence is a performance killer for JMS. In order to avoid data 
loss we are thinking of configuring clustered environment with distributed 
queues – thanks to that while one node crushes enqueued messages are still 
available. Surly if all nodes crush the data loss is inevitable – but we can 
cope with that … but the target is bright : performance. 

So after this long introduction the questions are:
+ Is it possible to configure clustered environment with not-persistent 
messages ? 
+ What happens with the messages when one of nodes crushes – can we avoid 
data loss ?

Thanks in advance for any help !

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