I've got a huge application (10k+ classes) that uses classpath ordering to 
determine which version of a class gets loaded.    There may be as many as four 
versions of a class (ranging from very generic stubs to specific application 
instance classes).  This is auto-translated code from COBOL source and there is 
no hope of changing it to something a bit more oo.

Classpath ordering works fine in plain Java but for reasons I don't understand, 
webserver folks decided to ignore compatibility issues, avoid standardization 
and generally muck things up.  Now I need help coming up with a workable 
solution, preferably one that works with multiple webservers and archive 

1) Is it possible to specify an application specific classpath?  It looks like 
it might be possible with an ear but not a war and wars have to be supported.  
Is there something JBoss specific that would allow this?

2) How can I tell JBoss to use an application provided class loader to load the 
application?  I could use this to specify a classpath even though the archive 
format doesn't provide one.

3) If possible, I'd like to start multiple instances of the application from 
the same archive varying only a parameter such as classpath to choose the class 

Thanks for any help.

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