I have 2 pages : 
 A) data table with entities representing countries
 B) edit form used to edit name of selected country
Now, when i select country on page A, the form loads with input field loaded 
with country's name. I change value of that field to whatever else and press 
cancel button which takes me back to page A. But name of country that i just 
quit editing is changed (and even persisted) ! I do not want such bahaviour. 
What should I do ?
btw. same thing happens in demo application dvd-store when you change products 
quantity in cart and press "Continue shopping" instead "Update and recalculate 
total", which in my opinion should not cause amount in cart be changed.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  | <pageflow-definition
  |     xmlns="http://jboss.com/products/seam/pageflow";
  |     xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
  |     xsi:schemaLocation="http://jboss.com/products/seam/pageflow 
  |     name="addCountry">
  |     <start-state name="start">
  |         <transition to="addCountry"/>
  |     </start-state>
  |     <page name="addCountry" view-id="/locations/addCountry.jspx" 
  |         <redirect/>
  |         <transition name="next" to="evaluateSuccess">
  |             <action expression="#{countryManager.save}" />
  |         </transition>
  |         <transition name="cancel" to="cancel"/>
  |         <transition name="addRegion" to="addRegion"/>
  |     </page>
  |     <process-state name="addRegion">
  |         <sub-process name="addRegion"/>
  |         <transition to="addCountry"/>
  |     </process-state>
  |     <decision name="evaluateSuccess" expression="#{countryManager.error}">
  |         <transition name="false" to="complete"/>
  |         <transition name="true" to="addCountry"/>
  |     </decision>
  |     <page name="complete" view-id="/locations/complete.jspx" 
  |         <end-conversation before-redirect="true"/>
  |         <redirect/>
  |     </page>
  |     <page name="cancel" view-id="/locations/browseLocations.jspx">
  |         <end-conversation before-redirect="true"/>
  |         <redirect/>
  |     </page>
  | </pageflow-definition>

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