
i will explain the business flow.

we have an order application(applet ,http connection)
order request
                 >>servlet>>EJB>>insert order into database with status 

                   >>servlet>>call JbossWS Async>>process order with 
vendor(takes around 1 mts)>>EJB>>update status to 'Success'

                  >>servlet--response success message to client just after 
calling webservice since Async call

since we are using async web service we can give confirmation response to 
application client with out waiting 1 mt order processing.later we are sending 
confirmaion mail.

i have tested the application by giving 1000 request using  a for loop.

in 1000 , 12 orders did not go after web service.i dont know what happened to 
those threads(they are still in 'pending' status after 15 hrs.all other threads 
got finished successfully.obviously no thread is running now)

from log messages i assume that max 3 threads are running simultaneously.

is there any way to increase the number of threads.
also how can i debug the unfinished threads

I am using Fedora core 4 4 Os and jboss 4.0.4GA +jdk 1.5 

please help me solve this issue


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