What AS5 instance are you running?

Did you check the HackCLMDD code?
There are (currently) two usages.
1) there is LoaderRepositoryConfig present in attachments
2) we're not top level deployment unit, and there is parent CLMD present

This deployer is always triggered.
And all it does - applying the 2 rules from above - is add ClassLoaderMetaData.
This CLMD is later picked by ClassLoaderDeployer (if it exists).

Regarding 'console-mgr.sar', I guess this is the only deployment that has 
strict scoping defined, hence the LoaderRepositoryConfig being present.

  |    <loader-repository>
  |       jboss.console:sar=console-mgr.sar
  |       <loader-repository-config>
  |          java2ParentDelegation=true
  |       </loader-repository-config>
  |    </loader-repository>

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