I am designing from the entities out and the seam-gen generate-ui is incredibly 
helpful.  Great stuff.

I've noticed a minor thing that I have questions on.

I believe this is a bug...  anyone care to confirmation and/or tell me where to 
log the issue to be fixed in a future release?

The problem is best shown with a contrived example.  Suppose I'm building a 
model of a house and the doors in the house.  Here are two simple entities:

@Entity public class House {
  @Id private Long id;
  @OneToOne private Door frontDoor;
  @OneToOne private Door backDoor;

@Entity public class Door {
  @Id private Long id;
  private String description;

When I run seam-gen's generate-ui command, I get a HouseHome.java file that has 
the following annotations:

@In(create = true)
DoorHome doorHome;
@In(create = true)
DoorHome doorHome;

The obvious problem is that the generator assumes that both Door objects are 
the same type.  Incidentally, hibernate does hbm2ddl on this type of 
association properly (there are two columns and two foreign keys created in the 

Thoughts?  Am I missing something or a custom mapping that I can provide the 
seam utility?


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