I have two questions regarding the messaging cluster. I could not find the 
answer in the documentation.

This is what I need to achieve:
Jboss messaging cluster to provide seamless fail-over for the publishing and 
subscribing clients.
Persistence and durable subscription are not needed. In other words, an 
unreliable but highly available replicated topic. 

1. HA and load-balance without persistence
Messaging doc says that a shared DB is required for the cluster to work. Before 
that it states that the post-office will not work without a DS. I am aware that 
embedded DB may be configured to avoid persistence until a threshold of memory 
usage is hit.

My question related to this:
 - Would I need the shared DB even if I use these clustered post-offices to 
host non-persistent (non-durable) subscriptions, that is, is it used to manage 
the cluster information as well?
 - Is it OK to use HSQLDB or Derby if the above is not true? 

2. Recovery from a cluster restart
Since Jboss messaging relies on a clustered ConnectionFactory registered in a 
clustered JNDI to provide the failover mechanism, would the client need to 
re-lookup JNDI and reopen connections and sessions to get back in business? 
This seems unnecessary since all participating post-offices seem to be bound to 
a pre-defined host and port, but then I am not sure how it is different from a 
clustered Stateless session bean.


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