anonymous wrote : Yes, I meant upload. One of these days I will learn how to 
spell. Or type. Or just plain learn to keep my mind focused on the topic at 
hand instead of wandering off in 18 related and unrelated directions. (I have 
no hope whatsoever of achieving that final goal.) 
good to hear, I'm not the only one with those problems :)

for the tests:
well, I did already test it, but the results left me puzzled: I am not sure, 
how to interpret the testresults, or maybe its a problem of my test environment 
(server and client on same machine)
so I hoped someone could tell me the facts about uploading right away.

anyway: this is how I tried to test:
* I use a multipart form with an input element of type="file" - I select a big 
file: 600MB
  | * I press upload
  | * what happens now is:* CPU load of my browser  increases (no 
networktraffic yet): I suppose the client is building the complete 
multipart-form request (some seconds)
  |   | * networktraffic starts: I suppose the complete request is now sent to 
the server
  |   | * my servlet is receiving the request
  |   | * after a short time (1 sec), the commons file upload lib throws a  
SizeLimitExceededException exception
  |   | * I catch this exception and in the servlet I send a redirect to an 
error page
  |   | * the browser is still busy and keeps sendig the request (takes about 
30 seconds)
  |   | so I am not sure what happens:* is there a way to inform the browser to 
abort sending the large request immediately?
  | maybe a redirect is wrong here?
  | * since the client keeps sending data, I suppose the server will still be 
busy: well at least the bandwidth of the server will still be receiving the 
data, that the browser is still sending

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