Let's try another approach then. When you start JBoss through run.bat (or 
run.sh) pass the -verbose:class JVM parameter. Like this(for run.bat):

set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -verbose:class

Then start JBoss. This will print out to STDOUT the classes being loaded and 
also the jar files being used for loading these classes. I would recommend 
redirecting the STDOUT output to some file, as the logs will be too huge:

run.bat > classes_out.log

Access your application to get the ClassCastException. The classes_out.log will 
contain the appropriate information about which jar is being used for loading 
the Changelist* classes (just do a text search in that log file for this class).

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