The Tools dialogs for SEAM do not appear to integrate well with the project 
dialogs.  I can use the "Preferences" -> Jboss Tools -> Seam dialog to manage 
Seam runtimes, but when I go into the project properties dialogs, it does not 
pick up the runtimes that are available.

The "Runtime" drop box does not list the runtimes.  I can open the "Installed 
Runtimes" from there, and see the runtimes there or add new ones, but they do 
not show up in the drop-down.  If I delete a runtime, the project retains a 
setting for it and I cannot get rid of it (where is this information stored?).

I get warnings about the runtimes not existing.

Is there any way to clean this up?  I have searched through the eclipse config 
files and cannot find references to the names??

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