"svsubramanyam007" wrote : I want to get event when jboss is called for 
shutdown.When i was walking through code i was not able to understand ..how to 
get event when it is about to shutdown...can anyone help me in 
understanding...whether it is possible to get event.
What's there to understand, it's a simple even/listener pattern:

  |       // Send a notification that server stop is initiated
  |       Notification msg = new Notification(STOP_NOTIFICATION_TYPE, this, 2);
  |       sendNotification(msg);
  |     List currentList;
  |     synchronized (lock) {
  |         currentList = listenerList;
  |     }
  |     final int size = currentList.size();
  |     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
  |         ListenerInfo li = (ListenerInfo) currentList.get(i);
  |         if (li.filter == null
  |             || li.filter.isNotificationEnabled(notification)) {
  |             try {
  |                 this.handleNotification(li.listener, notification,
  |                                         li.handback);
  |             } catch (Exception e) {
  |                 trace("sendNotification",
  |                       "exception from listener: " + e);
  |             }
  |         }
  |     }

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