I convert a project from "form" submit  based to dwr (ajax) submit. both work 
fine together. 
At the top security(login, portlet access) level i will use jboss. 
Like in any project :-) some actions must be valid only to some users. Since 
dwr is just servet, i must check user right here too.

>From the dwr servlet i succesfully have access to user and role module, but to 
>know who is logged in, the only solution I found so far is by storing the user 
>name into a session attribute.

in portlet with admin/secure op :

  | // somewhere in the doView
  | String ruser = request.getRemoteUser();
  |     if (ruser != null) {
  |         PortletSession sss = request.getPortletSession(true);
  |         if (sss != null) {           
  |             sss.setAttribute("ruser", ruser, 
  |         }
  |     }

from a dwr class function

  | WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
  | HttpServletRequest req = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();
  | HttpSession sss = req.getSession(false);
  | if (sss != null) {         
  |      String ruser = (String)sss.getAttribute("ruser");
  |       if( ruser !=null ){
  |            // user auth
  |            // now check againt jboss through role module etc.....
  |       }
  | }

So, yes it's working. when loggin out, jboss clean the session too.
But i have 2 questions :
1) is it really secure ?? can an exploit might hack into my dwr function ??? 
(there's always a risk, I meet hack easily ...)
2) Is there a better solution, to get who's loggin in, direclty by asking 
jbossportal ???

what I really need, is to have acces to the roles list of the logged in user 
making the request; that's all (I'm using ejb to external db and jackrabbit)


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