Ronald referred to the classloader specifics of JBoss. There are a couple of 
wiki pages in that respect, eg:

I think the fourth point 'The class is not visible from where it is being 
loaded' matches your use case pretty much.

It would be interesting to know, however, why your *.war with the included 
jbpm-jpdl.jar doesn't deploy. This is how the jBPM web console application is 
deployed (if you don't use the *.ear version). 

Please provide more details of what is failing and the exceptions you get, as 
well as the versions (AS, jBPM) so that we can help you further.

Just a guess, if it is jBPM 3.2.x on AS 4.2.x, this will not work ootb, but you 
could follow this wiki to get it going:

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