As far as I can see, a ClassLoader leak can occur through 
org.jboss.util.TimedCachePolicy.resolutionTimer, preventing ClassLoader and 
classes from unloading when an EAR is undeployed.

I have debugged undeploy problem in my EAR with jmap -dump and jhat, and one of 
the reasons preventing ClassLoader from unloading is this path I see in jhat:

Static reference from org.jboss.util.TimedCachePolicy.resolutionTimer (from 
class org.jboss.util.TimedCachePolicy) :
--> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (40 bytes) (field thread:)
--> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (173 bytes) (field contextClassLoader:)
--> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (296 bytes) (field parent:)
--> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (123 bytes) (field parent:)
--> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (203 bytes) 

The Timer object in the trace has only one TimedCachePolicy job in its queue, 
and that object is referenced from

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (103 bytes)  : field domainCache
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (32 bytes) : field authenticationCache

So I'm guessing that this happens: when I first access my web application 
requiring authentication, JBoss creates the Timer needed to clean authCache and 
domainCache. This Timer is created from the context of my web app -> the 
TimerThread java.util.Timer creates inherits the current context ClassLoader, 
that is my ClassLoader. Boom.

As a side issue, a peculiar thing is that I have disabled authenticationCache 


for JaasSecurityManagerService. Even more peculiar, the authenticationCache 
actually does contain the principal and credentials I used to log in to the web 
app. That is, authCache can't be disabled the way it is advertised.

A possible work around is to access something else, like jmx-console first, 
causing the Timer to be created in that context. I'll try that shortly.

There is also another ClassLoader leak that comes from Tomcat. See

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