As Ronald already pointed out, without detailed information it's almost 
impossible to give proper advice. If you're experiencing problems, these are 
usually reflected in the logs, so it's always a good idea to have a look into 
these and report any exceptions you can find there.

Right now, I would however point you to the wiki and verify if what you 
have done somehow matches the steps reported there. 

Also, here are the contents of my jbpm-console.war I've deployed to Tomcat 
6.0.10 for you to check as well (I've manually copied jbpm-j2ee.jar and 
commons-collections.jar after the ant run):

  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] webapps]$ tree ./jbpm-console/
  | ./jbpm-console/
  | |-- META-INF
  | |   `-- MANIFEST.MF
  | |-- WEB-INF
  | |   |--
  | |   |-- classes
  | |   |   |-- hibernate.cfg.xml
  | |   |   |-- jbpm.cfg.xml
  | |   |   |-- jbpm.mail.templates.xml
  | |   |   `--
  | |   |-- faces-config.xml
  | |   |-- jboss-web.xml
  | |   |-- jbpm4jsf-config.xml
  | |   |-- lib
  | |   |   |-- activation.jar
  | |   |   |-- antlr-2.7.6.jar
  | |   |   |-- asm.jar
  | |   |   |-- bsh.jar
  | |   |   |-- cglib.jar
  | |   |   |-- commons-collections.jar
  | |   |   |-- commons-fileupload.jar
  | |   |   |-- commons-io.jar
  | |   |   |-- commons-logging.jar
  | |   |   |-- dom4j.jar
  | |   |   |-- gravel-14.jar
  | |   |   |-- hibernate3.jar
  | |   |   |-- javassist.jar
  | |   |   |-- jboss-backport-concurrent.jar
  | |   |   |-- jboss-j2ee.jar
  | |   |   |-- jboss-retro-1.1.0-rt.jar
  | |   |   |-- jbpm-identity.jar
  | |   |   |-- jbpm-jpdl.jar
  | |   |   |-- jbpm4jsf-14.jar
  | |   |   |-- jsf-api-14.jar
  | |   |   |-- jsf-facelets.jar
  | |   |   `-- jsf-impl-14.jar
  | |   `-- web.xml

I wouldn't put the db driver lib in the war, but rather in $tomcat/lib.

Hope this helps.

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