Our attempt at copying the batching in the Bridge class has hit a bit of a 
problem. Our version didn't work as even though all messages were passed 
through and processed (and commited), some processed messages were still 
visible in the database after, and were re-processed after a jboss restart. 
These lingering messages were always the first message in the messages 
collection per transaction. In the jmx-console the messages are marked as 
currently being delivered, but the bridge believes (and rightly so) that it has 
delivered all messages

Hence we have created a test based on the Bridge class, all we have changed is 
the jboss logger to become an apache logger, and instead of the 
ConnectionFactoryFactory and DestinationFactory jndi wrappers we're  just 
passing the ConnectionFactory/Destinations directly. Messages are read off a 
test queue and then put on the dead letter queue after.

Our test uses a queue with the following config on the queue:
clustered=true, maxdeliveryattempts=1

The connectionFactory (we were using ClusteredConnectionFactory) has:
supportsfailover=true, supportsLoadBalancing=true,prefetchsize=1000.

The Bridge class is created using:
new Bridge(getConnectionFactory(), getConnectionFactory(), 
getQueue("queue/testingQueue"), getQueue("queue/DLQ"), null, null, null, null, 
null, 1000, 10, Bridge.QOS_ONCE_AND_ONLY_ONCE, 100, 1000, null, null, false);

The connection factories are the same, so that local tx's are used.

This is happening consistently, 5 messages in 1000 so I think it probably more 
likely mis configuration than anything else. The environment remains the same 
as earlier in the post (Jboss AS 4.2.2.GA and JBM 1.4.0.SP3 backed by a mysql 5 
database and JRE 6 on a debian OS)

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