What is the correct way to get a processinstance context variable map if we 
only want to use it for "read-only" access to look up variable values outside 
of a jbpm session?

For example, here is an experimental method to retrieve a handle to a context 
variable map, but since the method opens and closes a session, is the handle 
still pointing to a valid map, or should we make a copy of the map to return 
from the method?

  | public static Map getProcessVariableMap(long LprocessId) throws Exception
  | {
  |     Map mapVariables;
  |     if (jbpmConfiguration == null)
  |             jbpmConfiguration = JbpmConfiguration.getInstance();
  |     JbpmContext jbpmContext = null;
  |     try
  |     {
  |             jbpmContext = jbpmConfiguration.createJbpmContext();
  |             ProcessInstance procinst = 
  |             mapVariables = procinst.getContextInstance().getVariables();
  |     }
  |     finally
  |     {
  |             if (jbpmContext != null) jbpmContext.close();
  |     }
  |     return mapVariables;
  | }

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