What's new in jbossws-3.0.1-native-2.0.4.GA

Feature Request

    * [JBWS-925]  - Provide initial support for FastInfoset
    * [JBWS-1124] - Scoped class loading domains for WS endpoints
    * [JBWS-1165] - Provide initial support JSON data binding
    * [JBWS-1172] - Support schema validation for incoming/outgoing messages
    * [JBWS-1211] - Add support for @WebFault
    * [JBWS-1296] - Add support for digest + nonces
    * [JBWS-1814] - Dynamic Encryption based on clients input
    * [JBWS-1820] - Using JRE from vendors other than Sun the Remoting key 
store and trust store algorithms are not propagated
    * [JBWS-1844] - Implement Provider.createW3CEndpointReference()
    * [JBWS-1850] - Documentation support for Java->WSDL
    * [JBWS-1861] - Improve exception message on invalid @WebService usage on 
    * [JBWS-1865] - Unify SOAP message trace
    * [JBWS-1886] - Provide basic configuration for WS-enabled user projects
    * [JBWS-1890] - Provide basic project configuration for JBossWS tests
    * [JBWS-1893] - Provide meaningful advanced samples
    * [JBWS-1968] - Documentation support for WSDL->Java
    * [JBWS-1988] - Complete Username Token Profile 1.0
    * [JBWS-1990] - Support for SOAP 1.2 in wsconsume
    * [JBWS-2022] - Provide interface for WSSecurityDispatcher


    * [JBWS-1217] - WSDLtoJava Namespace to package mapping does not support 
multiple namespaces
    * [JBWS-1763] - Incorrect handling of charsets when the default charset is 
not UTF-8
    * [JBWS-1857] - JAXBContext created for every wrapper type
    * [JBWS-1878] - ConcurrentModificationException in initHandlerChain()
    * [JBWS-1905] - jaxws-samples-logicalhandler-jaxb.war produces: 
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jboss.ws.core.soap.TextImpl
    * [JBWS-1909] - RequestHandler.handlerWSDLResquest has dependency on 
Servlet API
    * [JBWS-1912] - DispatcherDelegate - Bypass RMIAdaptor when used locally
    * [JBWS-1938] - Assign message name instead of IN and OUT for 
Inbound/Outbound Addressing Property
    * [JBWS-1941] - Fault handler chain is not called when user application 
exceptions are thrown
    * [JBWS-1948] - Optional SOAP Header element is required by 
WSSecurityHandlerServer handler
    * [JBWS-1957] - WS-Eventing extension sends incorrect HTTP content-type
    * [JBWS-1964] - showSubscriptionTable MBean Method - NullPointerException
    * [JBWS-1965] - subscribe method on subscription manager - 
    * [JBWS-1966] - No Handler execution for inbound response when using 
    * [JBWS-1969] - Cannot publish wsdl with imported schema files, using 
bottom up approach
    * [JBWS-1970] - wsrunclient doesn't work with args
    * [JBWS-1971] - Missing clone on MemoryBufferRecorder
    * [JBWS-1973] - MTOM/XOP attachments not inlined when using JAX-WS handlers
    * [JBWS-1974] - Using signature as security in a webservice throws an error 
when loglevel not Debug
    * [JBWS-1979] - Endpoint address prop doesn't work with Dispatch
    * [JBWS-1985] - EntityResolver not used when reading web.xml during web 
serivce deployment
    * [JBWS-2000] - MTOM: Chunked encoding transfer problem
    * [JBWS-2009] - WSDLFilePublisher throws FileNotFoundException when schema 
files are not in wsdl directory
    * [JBWS-2011] - Signature is invalid error when the message contains \r
    * [JBWS-2018] - JavatoWSDL Package to Namespace mapping does not support 
multiple packages
    * [JBWS-2019] - WSDL To Java - Case of service-interface and 
service-endpoint-interface in JAX-RPC mapping does not match generated 
interface when WSDL type begins with lower case
    * [JBWS-2058] - 'wsa:From' header field is assigned to variable 'replyTo' 
instead of 'from'


    * [JBWS-515]  - Provide an initial implementation for WS-ReliableMessaging
    * [JBWS-1724] - wsconsume cannot use part names that are friendly to .NET
    * [JBWS-1776] - Verify isolated classloading with WSProvide
    * [JBWS-1978] - Evaluate (and remove) JBPM dependency from component info
    * [JBWS-1982] - Simplify deploy/undeploy cycles for different stacks

The JBossWS Team

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