While I have to agree with you that the blog example does use this, it's not 
exactly the best way to show it.    That is, that example is showing an 
already-complicated flow of control and it hard to compare that with more 
straightforward code.

Although I do use the pull approach for one of my pages that doesn't need any 
inputs, I wouldn't dream of using the RESTful approach as shown in the tutorial 
(bookmarkable search results).  What I mean is, I want to be able to take 
vacations and count on the fact that my peers can decipher the flow of the 
application without calling me.

I think it's great that this kind of stuff exists, but it's hard enough to read 
other people's code without having to figure out the magic of @Factory and 
@Unwrap code.  Maybe as we use Seam a little more, we'll start taking advantage 
of more sophisticated features and will laugh at how closed-minded we were 
"back then", but for now, we have to keep it simple so we can keep our heads 
above the rising flood of new technology.

We're all from a Struts/JSP background and are struggling to absorb 
JSF/MyFaces, Facelets, Seam, and EJB3 all at once.  The chain of events went 
like this:

1. Struts is just plain old news: I hear that JSF 1.2 was released and is much 
2. Supposedly, 1.2 solves "all the hassles" that caused us to ignore JSF for 
3. Oops, 1.2 fixed some problems, but JSF is still really messy due to the XML 
configuration complexity and other hassles.
4. Hey, I hear that JBoss released this Seam thing that is supposed to make JSF 
development more intuitive.
5. Wow, it's amazing how much configuration and glue Seam eliminates, and it 
provides some new features as well that aren't really provided elsewhere.
6. What the [EMAIL PROTECTED] ???  Did you see what they said about EJB3 in the 
Seam manual?  We just ignored the EJB articles because it was always too 
clumsy, but now it's awesome!
7. Unbelievable, look what they did with Entity Beans!  About damn time.
8. Okay, we'll use JSF, Seam, and EJB3
9. Man, JSPs still kind of suck, but the Seam tutorial and some examples use 
this Facelets thing that eliminates JSP and adds some templating featues.  
Okay, we'll use that too.
10. Well, the JSF data table is okay, but I hear that MyFaces has a nicer 
version with sorting and paging.  Okay, we'll use that too, and we'll get some 
of the other MyFaces features we've heard about.
11. And here we are, learning it all at once.

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