Just to update, I figured out that if I specify @XmlType(namespace="...") on my 
@Entitys that the web services are using, wsimport (if you don't use the -p 
option) would do what I want for me without having to specify JAXB 
customization files.

I still think that it would be neat if I could somehow annotate that I want 
specific classes to be packaged into an XSD and then referenced from the WSDL. 
Then multiple WSDLs share a common XSD. I'm sure this is possible if you're 
starting from WSDLs and generating java classes, but in my case I'm starting 
with POJO @Entities and @Webservices, JBoss is generating the WSDL, then I'm 
using wsimport to generate client stubs.

Anyway, what I mentioned is probably not a JBoss feature request, more of a 
JAXWS request. Thanks again for the replies. If anyone knows how to do this 
"common XSD" thing from simple annotations already, I'd love to know.

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