"lastra" wrote : 
  | it say, the name of the field "numeroLinea" not is correct, but i dont 
understand coz is the same field as my datebase table.

I dont think you have a column named "numeroLinea" in your table. I guess, you 
have a column named NUMERO_LINEA. Looking back at the code that you posted, i 
guess you will have to move the @Column annotations to the PK class. Something 
like this:

Entity class (remove the @Column annotation from this class for the Ids):
  | @Table(name="APUNTES")
  | @IdClass(ApuntesPK.class)
  | public class Apuntes implements Serializable{
  |     //Claves
  |     @Id
  |     private Integer empresa;
  |     @Id
  |     private Integer numeroAsiento;
  |     @Id
  |     private Integer numeroLinea;
  |     private String modificado;
  |     .......
  |     others fields and methods get/set
  | }

The PK class (introduce the @Column annotation on the id columns):

  | public class ApuntesPK implements Serializable {
  |     @Column(name="EMPRESA")
  |     private Integer empresa;
  |     @Column(name="NUMERO_ASIENTO")
  |     private Integer numeroLinea;
  |     @Column(name="NUMERO_LINEA")
  |     private Integer numeroAsiento;
  |     //private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  |     public ApuntesPK() {
  | }

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