
I have modified a xhtml task form generated by the Graphical designer plugin in 
order to add a combobox component:

  |       <h:selectOneMenu onchange="updateTopic(this);" id="topicCombo" 
value="#{ChooseTopicBean.value}" styleClass="combobox">
  |    value="#{ChooseTopicBean.items}"/>
  |       </h:selectOneMenu>
  |     </jbpm:datacell>

and defined apart a JS function called "updateTopic(ref)" which try to change 
the value of another jsf component when select any of the combobox's options, 
that is:

  | <h:inputText id="inputTopic" value="#{var['topic']}" />

I don't know how to reference the inputText from my JavaScript function since 
I've seen from the generated HTML page parsed by the browser that the 
components/forms IDs are generated dynamically:

  | <input id="j_id197:inputTopic" type="text" name="j_id197:inputTopic" />

So, I'll get an error if I try to reference as 

Where is the "j_id197" id name coming from? Is there any other way to reference 
jsf components from Javascript?

Thanks in advance.


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