There are two ways I can think of to accomplish this.

1) You could edit jboss-portal.sar/conf/hibernate/user/setup.txt. This file 
defines the initial set of users. With a decent editor with macro capabilities 
you could very easily expand this file to create any number of initial users. 
The only caveat is that this would work only on a clean portal (one that have 
never been run before).

2) You could user JMeter or Grinder to create the users. Use the proxy 
capability of either tool to record a session where you create one user, then 
edit the script to generalize the user id. And the run the script.

I have done both #1 and #2. #1 I used to create a handful of initial users. #2 
I use to create a large quantity of users, usually naming them user-N, where N 
is 1 through 9999. Makes it easy to write performance tests to randomly select 
a user.

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