
Am using Jboss5.0 Beta4 . I have two EJB's -e1 and e2 deployed and trying to 
lookup from one to another. e2 interafce is in \server\all\lib directory. and 
e1 is doing lookup to e2.

Am also using jboss_app.xml so that jboss will first loads jars from my EAR e1 
instead of server\all\lib. It does gets jars from my ear instead of server lib. 

  | <jboss-app>
  |   <loader-repository>
  |     com.avaya:archive=Scheduler.ear
  |   </loader-repository>
  | </jboss-app>

Lookup is also sucessful. but I need to do another validation if e2 has 
implemented one of my interface com.my.job Interface.  com.my.job is present in 
server\all\lib. Am using below logic to check this .

  | job.class.isAssignableFrom(e2)  should return true. 

Now this works fine on WAS6.1.It works fine with jboss5.0 also IF e2 interface 
(not its implementation class ) is part of e1 ear i.e bundled together 

But when I move this interface out of ear and put it in server\all\lib , lookup 
is sucessful but isAssugableFrom fails ! 

This looks like wrong algorithm of isAssignableFrom. 

Hope this isnt confusing .. Can anyone help me with this. 

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