hokay - 

not entirely sure what you have going here - but i see in the error something i 
have experienced in windows.

Sometimes if you build a new seam project usingt the wizard (do a simple helloo 
world ear app) and have a look in the eclipse project earContent directory you 
will find a bunch of jar files that the builder puts there.

bizarely I find that when you deploy the ear (it deploys in exploded format if 
you use the jboss tools install ontop of eclipse) - it copies the ear structure 
into the jboss/server/default/deploy directory in exploded format (assumes you 
have accepted all the standard defaults when defining your jboss server and 
seam runtime config for the project when you first went thru the wizard.

however what i often find is that the jar files in your top level EarContent 
directory do Not get deployed to the server.  Cant figure out why this does 
this.  one of these jars in the jboss-seam.jar that your trace moans about.

If you then manually copy the jar files in explorer to the same place in the 
deploy directory - then the deployer detects the paste and it normally then 
successfuly deploys - at least it does for me.

however i've had another problem - where an app i have built has stopped 
copying the application.xml in the META-INF directory for the ear - and i have 
no easy past this - cant figure out why it doesnt deploy - its in the source 
folder in eclipse project.

as for your note 

anonymous wrote : 
  | Caused by: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: 
User-specified log class 'org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger' cannot 
be found or is not useable.

this is usually found in the commons-logging.jar which for me in the the 
server/defualt/lib directory.  This is usually resolved at compile time by 
ensuring your server runtime libraries are added to the project in the eclipse 
build. - if you open the runtime library list in the package explorer (Left 
hand side) in eclipse.

check you have the right runtime library set configured for your eclipse 
project and check your default/deploy/lib directory has the commons-logging jar 

 i have not had a problem with logging myself 

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