anonymous wrote : If we informed you about failover completion it wouldn't be 
transparent. If you want to use a connection listener and handle failover 
manually then you can just turn off transparent failover. Sounds like this is 
what you want to do.

So, the transparent failover of JBM can be turned off in the xml configuration 

I am currently developing a messaging system in which dynamic number of clients 
(which can not be defined and may not be predicted) can connect to my messaging 
system to receive messages. I think durable subscription is not feasible in my 
case since I can not define the client IDs beforehand and I'm not able to erase 
those client IDs that will never connect to use the messaging system. In fact, 
I am not sure of the impact of a whole lot of unreceived messages of durable 
subscriptions. Do you know the impacts of this? So, I chose normal 
subscription. In the current JB AS 4.2.x, JBMQ is shipped which allows and 
requires us to handle the reconnection (failover), thus lost message request 
can be accomplished in the manual reconnection. If you were me, would you do it 
this way or do you have any experienced suggestions? (Thanks a lot if you can 
share your experiences)

But I heard JB AS 5.x will have JBM bundled out of the box. I'm currently 
thinking about of any portability problems in my case.


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