   Thanks a lot for your thoughts.  Hopefully I can pick your brain a little 
further here.

"kukeltje" wrote : "joestevens" wrote :   Is the preferred way of interacting 
here through the CommandService bean using Commands?  I'm sort of leaning that 
way from poking around, but I'm not sure.Not the preferred way, but an option, 
especially if you want to connect remotely

Here's what I'm trying to get my head around.  A while back when I was first 
using jbpm, the main way to deploy was using the jmx service.  Then any local 
apps that wanted to use jbpm would just grab the configuration object out of 
jndi and be happily on their way.  I'm trying to understand if that's still 
considered a good way to do things.  I see the MBean for jbpm in the source 
tree.  I don't see any mention of it in the docs or any examples.

So, what method would typically be used by a few local apps that need to share 
a configuration of jbpm?  Is the jmx service a reasonable solution?  Any 
thoughts you can give on accepted practice would be great.

Thanks again.

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