Even swing clients have command lines. 

Are you running on Windows? If so, get the listdlls utility from sysinternals 
() )and run it:

listdlls java


listdlls javaw

That will tell you the command line used to run the app. Unless someone has 
implemented their own executable that loads the JVM, in which case the typical 
command line options are hidden in the executable (I hate it when that happens, 
extremely frustrating to reconfigure if the person who wrote the executable 
made invalid assumptions about the hardware on which I am running the app.)

How do you go about setting the classpath for the app? Does it get it from 
CLASSPATH env var? If so, post that.

These two statements confuse me:

anonymous wrote : I can see the Nameservice Port with a portscanner.
  | But in the JMX Console i see the naming service started on the
  | expected port. 

Is there a "not" missing somewhere? Also, what is in the jndi.properties file?

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