What AS version?

In 4.0.5 I added a check where if 80% of the session's maxInactiveInterval has 
passed since last replication, even a read request will cause the session to 

There was actually a bug in 4.0.5 that that would cause it to replicate much 
more frequently than that (http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-4428). That 
was fixed in 4.2.1.

I now think the standard 80% is too high. You can control that 80% value by 
adding a Tomcat context.xml file to your war's WEB-INF dir with a Manager 

Context cookies="true" crossContext="true">
  |    <Manager pathname="" maxUnreplicatedFactor="10"/>   
  | </Context>

You can also use a maxUnreplicatedInterval attribute instead of 
maxUnreplicatedFactor to specify the maximum unreplicated time in ms.

In AS 5 the same will exist, but I'll also replicate the timestamp of the 
session if it hasn't been replicated w/in 60 seconds.  In AS 5 the timestamp 
can be independently replicated, so aggressively replicating is less expensive 
than it is in AS 4.

Please note that in all these cases, it is a web request that triggers the 
replication; i.e. there isn't a background thread or something that does it.

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