anonymous wrote :  My java application code, the complete error message, and 
config files are above, in my other comments. 

what is still missing is the structure of your application.

For your convenience, here's a bare minimal application that could run the 
application code you posted:

  | |-- WEB-INF
  | |   |-- classes
  | |   |   `-- hibernate.cfg.xml
  | |   |-- lib
  | |   |   |-- jbpm-identity.jar
  | |   |   `-- jbpm-jpdl.jar
  | |   `-- web.xml
  | `-- index.jsp

* 'hibernate.cfg.xml' is just the same as the one deployed in 
* web.xml has only empty web-app tags and 
* index.jsp contains your code.

Hope this helps a bit finding the culprit in your environment.

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