Hmm, this would take some work.

If you were asking about the server that's leaving you could listen for a JMX 
notification from the jboss.system:type=Server mbean of type 
"org.jboss.system.server.stopped".  That notification is sent out at the 
beginning of a clean shutdown.

JGroups itself, when it issues a new view doesn't include information about 
what caused the change. When a node is suspected (i.e. is being excluded from 
the group due to suspected failure) it issues a notification before it issues a 
new view.  But the intervening layers in JBoss don't expose any hooks for user 
code to get that "suspect" notification.

The org.jboss.ha.jmx.HAServiceMBeanSupport utility class has the ability to 
send JMX notifications around the cluster. Perhaps you could write a service 
that subclasses HAServiceMBeanSupport and listens for the local 
"org.jboss.system.server.stopped" notification from jboss.system:type=Server. 
It would then rebroadcast it around the cluster, including the node id of the 

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