
consider the following environment:

We have an app which is working on an oracle database. The application uses 
timers as well. By default they get serialized to the hsqldb. 
What we want is to switch them to the oracle datasource, which is easy 
configuring timers globally to use the oracle datasource. Unfortunately thats 
not what we would consider best. We want to make this configuration part of our 
deployment. Which means we want to deploy our own timerservice linked to the 
oracle datasource. The reason for this is we dont want to change the jboss 
configuration every time our environment changes. We want to handle this by 
configuring our packaging system, since this means we change it once instead of 
changing the configuration of each and every jboss running our app. 

Thats where the questions come in.

How can I configure this? And where do I put the appropriate deployment 
descriptors. My guess would be to deploy a sar with a jboss-service.xml which 
defines an instance of the jboss timerservice like this:

  <mbean code="org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.EJBTimerServiceImpl"
  |     name="jboss.ejb:applicational=EJBTimerService">
  |     <attribute 
  |     <attribute 
  |     <attribute 
  |     <attribute 
  |     <depends optional-attribute-name="TransactionManagerFactory" 
  |       jboss:service=TransactionManager
  |     </depends>
  |   </mbean>
  |   <mbean code="org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.DatabasePersistencePolicy" 
  |     <!-- DataSourceBinding ObjectName -->
  |     <depends 
  |     <!-- The plugin that handles database persistence -->
  |     <attribute 
  |     <!-- The timers table name -->
  |     <attribute name="TimersTable">TIMERS</attribute>
  |   </mbean>
As I understand it this should create another instance of the timerservice with 
a different name. Any suggestions to this?

The next problem I have is that I dont know how to use it. When simply 
injecting the timerservice to a bean jboss seems to inject the default 
timerservice. Again my guess would be to specify something with the @Resource 
annotation, but I dont know how to do it. Although I would like it best to have 
the application server pick the correct timerservice on its own without further 
hinting by @Resource. 

Is there a way to have the container consider the applications deployment 
first? And if there is, how to use it?

Please tell me what you think about it. Is there a better solution to this?

Thanx in advance, 
Milan Woelke

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