
I made few tests and found out strange behavior.
Lets say that we have deployment layout like following:

  | (Node0) Producer ---> @ <--- Consumer (dest = 'moduleA')
  |                       |
  | (Node1)               @ <--- Consumer (dest = 'moduleB')
  |                       |
  | (Node2)               @ <--- Consumer (dest = 'moduleC')
  |                        \---- Consumer (dest = 'singleton')

All producers and consumer are standalone applications. So Producer and 
Consumer with selector dest = 'moduleA' are connected to Node0, Consumer with 
selector dest = 'moduleB' is connected to Node1 and two consumers are connected 
to Node2 with selectors like above.

So now, Producer send message with stringProperty set to dest='singleton' and 
this message stuck on Node0. It is not distributed to Node2 (in database it is 
assigned to Node0) and what is more important, it can't be received with 
Consumer connected to Node2.
We can send even few hundreds of such messages and they all stuck on Node0.

It is the same if we send message to moduleC, it just stuck on Node0.
Messages to moduleA can be received with consumer connected to Node0.

Now we close consumer connected to Node0, so now deployment looks like follow:

  | (Node0) Producer ---> @
  |                       |
  | (Node1)               @ <--- Consumer (dest = 'moduleB')
  |                       |
  | (Node2)               @ <--- Consumer (dest = 'moduleC')
  |                        \---- Consumer (dest = 'singleton')

Messages are not switched to another node, they stay attached to Node0. So 
Consumer with selector dest = 'singleton' is still not able to receive its 
messages (that are currently in queue).

Now, we send one message to module 'singleton'. And this trigger some kind of 
action, messages are switched to Node2, and now we can receive them by consumer 
(dest='singleton) connected to Node2.

I think that even after sending this one message, there is still some mess in 
database (and in behavior), because I had had messages with desc='moduleB' in 
queue before, and now they were transfered to Node2 instead of to Node1. So 
they stuck there to ;)  

JBoss 4.2.1 GA
JBoss Messaging 1.4.0 SP3 CP02

I don't know it is a bug? I look inside JMS specification, but there is very 
little about situations where few consumers with different selectors are 
connected to one queue especially in clustered environment.
Nevertheless I think it is expected that above situation will be working 
"correctly" ;) it means each message will be received by corresponding consumer.

There are two other things that I noticed:
1) a lot of SQL updates
When messages are switching across cluster, there is a lot of database UPDATE 
operation. It can impact performance, can't it?
2) message order 
This 'message switching' breaks any order in queue. I don't want start 
discussion about that order should be kept or not.
My question is: Is there chance that one of message will be extremely unlucky 
and will be never consumed ? 
In situation where we have constantly a lot of messages in queue: producers are 
adding new messages and consumers are receiving them little slower; we expect 
that old messages will be generally consumed before new one. 
I think that in current approach, it is possible that one message will be on 
some "switching mode" state every time when consumers request message to 
consume. And it stuck in queue.


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