I am looking for feedback on a pattern we have started using, as we would 
prefer to have it reviewed before we convert more of our system over to using 

The scenario we face, is that we have a fairly straight-forward workflow, 
without any true decision points along the way, only failure paths, and a 
couple of parallelization points. Because the workflow itself is both simple 
and static, we haven't seen the need to go for a full blown workflow engine or 
ESB. The point of the processing that we are concerned with, is the 
parallelization. At a certain point within processing our overall job, we are 
able to parallelized, and request several of the same component be launched, 
each working on a subset of the total dataset to be processed. The workflow 
must then be notified of each of those jobs completing, which it waits for 
before moving on to the following step.

The first implementation, used JMS to launch the parallel tasks, and temporary 
queues in the reply-to for the messages, allowing each job to respond to the 
originator as they start and finish. However, this has a couple problems:
1 - Temporary queues do not appear to support failover, at least on the JMS 
implementation we are using (JBoss Messaging 1.4), making this solution 
intolerant to node failure within the cluster.
2 - Since both parent and child tasks are run through services which throttle 
the processing, and the parent task is still alive while waiting for the child 
tasks to run, we are wasting processing slots, while the parent is waiting.

To deal with this, we attempted a new pattern. In this pattern, a job 
originator launches one StatefulSessionBean for the job, followed by JMS 
messages into a Queue for each of the child tasks. The child tasks then respond 
by issuing messages for start, finish and/or failure, into a Topic, with the 
job id as an attribute which can be used to filter the messages. The SFSB then 
subscribes to the topic, using a filter to look only at messages for the job it 
was created for, and polls for messages from the child processes.

The polling is implemented using an EJB3 timer on a stateless session bean, 
which in turn looks up the SFSB indicated by the object attached to the timer, 
and calls the polling method. The return value of the polling method determines 
if a new timer is scheduled or not. In between calls, the SFSB proxy is stored 
in JNDI, under a well defined context and job-specific name. It is removed when 
the job has either succeeded, or failed, including a timeout failure, if the 
jobs did not all complete within a specified window.

So far, this is working well, but we are wondering if there are any pitfalls 
with the approach, particularly with respect to storing the SFSB handle in 
JNDI, or the use of a Topic with message filters to manage message routing.

If anyone here has any comments, they'd be greatly appreciated.

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