I'm trying to port an application that uses JBoss4.01 to my machine from my 
boss's machine using the the directories my boss gave me for the IntelliJ 
project and the Jboss installation that goes with it. While trying to run it I 
found a a JMS problem that looks like it is related to SQL. It is described 
here http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/IGetXAConnectionFactoryNotBoundHowDoIFixIt

The problem is when I search for "jdbc-service-state". I find different files 
under 2 different directories.

[jboss home]\server\default\deploy\jms  - mysql
[jboss home]\server\all\deploy-hasingleton\jms -hdbsql

Which should I be concerned with? I know that mysql is the db we are using for 
our application.

There is similar confusion when I look for the conf\log4j file as suggested in 
the JMS forum faq. There are three versions:

[jboss home]\server\default
[jboss home]\server\all
[jboss home]\server\minimal

My OS is Win XP

Can somebody give me a clue as to which conf\log4j and jdbc-service-state file 
I should be looking at?

Help would be greatly appreciated.

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