"tkyung" wrote : Is there a downside for making this a prototype bean?
This is more of a Spring question, so you should really ask there.
But I think this is what happens here is that if a bean is prototype, Spring 
doesn't track it anymore, so nothing happens on shutdown - since it's out of 
Spring's scope.

What you should really use is, SpringDeployer's hierarchy notion:
 - http://java.sys-con.com/read/180386.htm
anonymous wrote : 
  |  Since we'd like to hot deploy many different Spring archives, each of them 
must be uniquely represented in our environment. For that purpose, JNDI will be 
used as a registry for these deployments. But where can we get our local JNDI 
name? By default, this JNDI name is obtained from the archive's file name: 
.spring or -spring.xml. But since it's also possible for each bean factory to 
have parent bean factory, there should be a way to define this parent's name 
too. This can be done in Spring's beans xml descriptor in description tag as 
shown in Listing 3.
  | We are parsing this description tag and looking for a regular expression 
pattern of 'BeanFactory=()' and 'ParentBeanFactory=()' so see Listing 4.
  | Every time a Spring component is undeployed, we get the corresponding Bean 
factory through the URL string key in our bean factory map. We remove the map 
entry, destroy the bean factory singletons, and unbind it from JNDI. When 
undeploying components be careful of the bean factory hierarchy; don't undeploy 
some other component's parent bean factory. When shutting down, JBossAS 
undeploys components in reverse order, which is the right behavior for our 
child-parent bean factory hierarchy.

And then you can access other context's bean directly.

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