"lovelyliatroim" wrote : anonymous wrote : 
  |   | While you may not have the time to play with this, I would advise to at 
least keep it on your radar. It is _significantly_ faster than 2.X, and has a 
smaller memory footprint as well. I expect to release Alpha2 this 
evening/tomorrow morning, and my goal is to have this in GA by the end of 
  | So soon, will keep it on the radar so, how hard/easy would a migration step 
up be from 2.x to 3.0?? Roughly?

Easier than the 1.x -> 2.x move, I expect.  The only real API differences that 
may cause problems:

1.  De-generification of Fqn
2.  Removed deprecated public constructors on Fqn - only use static factory 
methods like Fqn.fromString() from now on.
3.  Removed deprecated DefaultCacheFactory.getInstance() method - now create 
one using "new".

Apart from that, the only other changes are internal so while they will affect 
you (better performance, lower memory usage, different tuning and config 
options) they won't affect any interfacing code.

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