OK, the problem has receded now, thanks for your input, much appreciated.

The confusing thing was the JVM JMX beans showing the GC times and counts for 
PS Scavenge and PS MarkSweep painted a totally false picture.

After reading the document suggested by PeterJ, and reading on about Ergonomics 
of the JVM I arrived at having only one JVM option set:


We now let the JVM manage memory itself, as discussed here:


The other problem was quickly highlighted once all the GC'ing was eliminated; 
our half hourly DB backup was gumming up the system.

Thanks again to everyone for taking the time.

PeterJ, I had already read your presentation, and I would like to add that I 
considered implementing something based on your suggestions, but instead of 
using the GC debug information, getting the info from the JMX beans.  The 
advantages being that i) we already have a graphing solution ready to plug in 
the output (cacti), and ii) I could turn graphing of GCs on and off without a 

However, I now have to conclude that the JMX beans do not paint such a complete 
or accurate picture as the GC debug output.

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