Thanks for yr prompty reply:) that clarifies something.
When i say i'm accesing remote ejb interface and local  ejb interface from a 
same cleint. 
I mean i have the same (only one) JVM on my pc and i'm accesing this from my pc.

What i think is different is that my jboss is running inside Eclipse, which 
means it gets its own instnace of JVM. Where as my client runs from a command 
shell which means when it runs it uses or it gets a different instance of JVM. 
In that sense my shell based client becomes a remote (client) to jboss running 
in different jvm instance  inside Eclipse.

Is this right understanding. And if thsi is correct than my local ejb interface 
client will not run talk until i run both JBoss and Client in same JVM 
instance. ....

Thanks for raising this and look forward to yr repsonse.


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