
I'm new to JBoss and trying to migrate a webapp from Oracle AS to JBoss 4.2.3. 
The app is using JSF (ADF Faces) and i had to mess around a bit with jars and 
stuff, but it now deploys successfully into JBoss.

The problem I get is when I try to access the deployed app from a browser, i 
get the tomcat-error "The requested resource () is not available" (with empty 
parenthesises). My problem is I can not see any error anywhere in any logs. 
I've set all log4j filters to DEBUG (including JBoss' own) and there are 
absolutely no errors in deployment nor on access.

I can see in the jboss-logs that the entire jsf-lifecycle, from view-create to 
render-response, is sucessful. But after render-response, i get the error in 
the browser (the error is not logged anywhere in any file i can see)

Does anyone have any idea or maybe know which logfile i should look in? I've 
only found server.log, boot.log and my own application-logfile, and neither of 
these holds any errors.

Grateful for any help,

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