I don't think that the the missing setup.sql file is a problem.  I am running 
JBoss AS 4.0.4GA, Portal 2.4+ (from SVN on Sept18) and MySQL 5.0 and tried the 
steps you outlined and they worked fine (no error).  Since the forums use 
Hibernate, it is no longer necessary to pre-load the database tables.  When i 
just now started a clean install I saw messages like this on the console which 
tells me that Hibernate created the missing tables:

 11:20:27,180 WARN  [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: 1146, SQLState: 42S02
11:20:27,180 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] Table 
'portal24.jbp_forums_forumswatch' doesn't exist

Unfortunately, all of this doesn't help you solve your problem.

I assume you are aware of this issue with MySQL 5: 

If you have PostgreSQL installed you might try switching to that.  I have often 
found that certain builds of the Portal have quirky behavior on one database 
byt work on the other (though it tends to switch back and forth, it is never 
always the same database that works flawlessly, usually something to do with 
the database mapping).

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