The Java Docs for PermitAll say the following

anonymous wrote : Specifies that all security roles are allowed to invoke the 
specified method(s) i.e that the specified method(s) are "unchecked". It can be 
specified on a class or on methods. Specifying it on the class means that it 
applies to all methods of the class. If specified at the method level, it only 
affects that method. If the RolesAllowed is specified at the class level and 
this annotation is applied at the method level, the PermitAll annotation 
overrides the RolesAllowed for the specified method. 

After reading this I had assumed that by having an unauthenticatedIdentity set 
up in my login-config.xml file for the appropriate JAAS Domain anyone would be 
able to access that particular method.  This does not seem to be the case 
though.  In short what needs to be done to allow an unauthenticated user to be 
able to invoke a method on an EJB that is secureded by a JAAS domain?

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