I could not understand how to define public render parameters.
I looked at the spec, read the blog post and took a look at the reference but 
it still is foggy.

My Page is called default, my windows are called: TestPortlet and 

I want to be able to use a global foo parameter, for example in an url like:

I tried putting the following code into the ...-object.xml between the page 
/page tags:

  | <coordination>
  |                 <bindings>
  |                     <implicit-mode>FALSE</implicit-mode>
  |                     <parameter-binding>
  |                         <id>parameterBinding1</id>
  |                         <window-coordination>
  |                             <window-name>TestPortlet</window-name>
  |                             <qname>foo</qname>
  |                         </window-coordination>
  |                     </parameter-binding> 
  |                 </bindings>
  |             </coordination>

But I am still unable to access the foo parameter from my TestPortlet code 
doView() method.

Could you help me, what am I doing wrong?

Do I always have to explicitly set all parameters that I want to use and access 
(page-) globally?

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