It is hot topic on faselets forum. Specially <c:if? case. Your mistake is you 
are trying to use build-time tag as render-time.
For instance, instead of <c:if> almost always you should use rendered attribute.

Why doesn't my c:if / ui:repeat / ui:include work properly? 
You're probably using a bad combination of build-time and render-time tags. For 
example, c:if is a build-time tag, so any EL expressions are only evaluated 
once (when the tree is built), even if you put it inside a ui:repeat or 
h:dataTable. Conversly, since ui:repeat is a 'render-time tag' (i.e. a 
UIComponent), you can't use it to iterate over build-time tags such as 

Build-time (facelet) tags: 
·       all JSTL tags (e.g. c:if, c:forEach, c:choose) 
·       all ui tags except ui:repeat (e.g. ui:include, ui:decorate, 
·       all core faces tags except f:verbatim (e.g. f:validator, 
f:convertNumber, f:selectItem) 

Render-time tags (UIComponents): 
·       all UIComponent tags (e.g. ui:repeat, h:inputText, t:saveState)

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