"luis.miranda" wrote : Is JTA support used strictly for replication purposes in 
JBoss Cache (3.0.0.CR3) or is there full transactional support even in a local 
cache (i.e. atomicity and isolation from other transactions within the same 
JVM)? In other words, can I roll back some puts after I have done them?

No, they can be used for consistency guarantees in LOCAL mode too.

"luis.miranda" wrote : 
  | Also, according to the FAQ it is not possible to have a JBC participate in 
a global/XA transaction (together with the RDBMS). If that's the case, what 
approach should be taken to ensure consistency between the two resources?

That's not true, a JTA transaction can span databases too - it is just that 
internally, JBC will not propagate this to a transaction-aware cache loader 
(such as JDBC) but instead will use its own lifecycle of prepares and commits 
on the cache loader.

If you have a DB outside of the cache participating in the same JTA 
transaction, this is supported.

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